Silverthornes Opticians
Silverthornes Opticians

Silverthornes Opticians 


Silverthornes Opticians is an independent practice in the heart of Salisbury which has been offering top quality care for over 100 years. The business takes its name from its founder, Sidney Silverthorne, who was a watchmaker, a clock maker and an optician who worked at 50 Catherine Street for over 53 years. His important work continues, and our partners, John Leeman and Laurence Adamson, have worked here for over 30 years now, providing an excellent service to their loyal client base. 


At Silverthornes, we understand that no two clients are alike; everyone has their own ideas and needs where glasses and contact lenses are concerned. We provide customised care which is adapted to each individual. We prioritise thorough and comprehensive personal care and foster close relationships with our patients. 


Silverthornes Opticians

Business hours

Mon-Fri 0830-1700

Sat/Sun      Closed


Contact us

50 Catherine St




Tel.: 01722 322880




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